How to offer a discount on the affiliate link
What it means for publishers?
This feature allows publishers to reduce their commission earnings by a selected discount amount, up to the total commission rate.
For instance, if I promote an app that costs $100 per month with a commission rate of 25%, I, as a publisher, would earn $25.
However, to make my affiliate program more enticing, I can forfeit a certain portion of the commission in exchange for a discount on the app's monthly price. I could, for instance, provide a 10% discount. This would mean that I would earn a commission of just 15% each month - $15. Yet any merchant who installs the app through the affiliate link would receive a permanent 10% discount on their subscription.

How do I enable the discount feature?
Firstly, this feature must be supported by the app - not all apps allow discounts. Please ensure that you see the "Discount" button on your Dashboard

If the button is present, your selected app supports this feature - simply click on it and set up the ratio between your commission and the final discount. From this point forward, all installations through this affiliate link will benefit from the discounted price.

Updated on: 04/12/2023
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